miss you :(

sharmaine salim  
one i love if id could choose again, id still choose you 

i miss you when something really good happens, because you are the one i want to share it with. i miss you when something is troubling me, because you are the one who understands me so well. i miss you when i laugh and cry because i know that you are the one that makes my laughter grow and my tears disappear. i miss you all the time, but I miss you most when i lay awake at night and think of all the wonderful times we spent with eachother for those were some of the best times of my life.

pain pain :(

im heart-broken but im still locked man, fuck a bitch!

coretan from her :')

Sharila Nadia 08 November at 20:58 Report
u, ni coretan dr i utk u ok ? like i told u before i ni kn jenis suka pendam. sorry kalau i teruk sgt dlm berkate kate ni. hmm, ok u. terus terang i ckp, after i broke up dgn zac tu, kite ade slalu ym en ? ingt ? tht time i sgt suka u. ( omg ) sgt sgt suka. i terpikat dgn senyum u bila kite webby fr the first time. i jatuh hati bila i tgk muka u n tgk senyum u. den after tht u cite cite pasal ur ex. i menilai u setiap kali we chat. u seorg yg sweet, caring, humble. u berpegang pd yg satu. i sgt kagum dgn u. semakin hari semakin i suka u. tp bila u ckp i n u jauh n all, i terus down. it's like theres no chance fr me utk terus suka u. u pun mcm tk interested dgn i on tht time so i phm lah. i decided utk tk mengharap. since tht, kite dh jarang borak en ? kdg kdg je wall kt fb. u know how i know a lot of things tht happen to u ? bcoz i care fr u. after u cite sal ex u n how much u love her, i realize u seorg yg lembut hati n tht time i tk suka tgk u d sakiti lg. itu sebab kdg kdg i stalk u. sorry, itu i mengaku. i cuma nk tau ape perkembangan u. same ade u bahagia atau tk. i selalu tgk gambar u. rase seronok. tp dlm hati i mase tu kate, tk mungkin u akan pernah suka i. lg lg i jauh en. den i ade bf. even i dh ade bf, i still amek tau/stalk u. i couldn't resist. sorry. bila skrg u kate u suka, syg i, i sgt happy. teruja terlebih tau ke ? i pk dlm dlm u pasal benda ni. i tk nk sape sape kecewa so i kena berterus terang. i bukan hipokrit u. i bukan mcm tu n i tk nk fake evrythng. i sedar i tkleh hilang seorg yg sgt baik mcm u. i tk nk nnt kalau kite together den bila break tk contact lg lah den kena ungkit bout the past lah. i sgt tk suka benda ni. seriously i seorg yg treasure friendship/relationship. lg lg u org yg i penah suka. i tkleh hilang u. u sgt baik. thts why i nk between us kite jd bestfriend selamanya. hubungan mcm tu lebih indah u. kite boleh bergurau, cite, kongsi ape ape same same. lebih sweet tk gitu ? lgpun i bukan lah dream girl sape sape. byk sgt kekurangan i ni. u akan menyesal je kalau together dgn i. bukti die tgk lah i asek kena tggl je, haihhh. dh penat dh u nk lalui sume tu. im going wif the flow now. so lepas ni kalau u tkleh nk terima n tk nk ckp dgn i lg after bace sume ni pun i phm. phm sgt sgt. dh d takdir kn dh i sentiasa rase sakit bila org yg i treasure sume pergi dr hidup i. jgn risau i akan phm bila u bt mcm tu. so den tu je i nk luah kan. u sgt precious. i minta maaf utk sume. i tk suka pura pura. sorry again n thanks. 
she says :')